appointed radiation protection advisEr (RPA)
The Ionisiong Radiations Regulations 2017 (IRR17) require any organisation undertaking work with radioactive materials or with equipment generating radiation to consult a suitable Radiation Protection Adviser (RPA). All RPAs are suitably qualified and experienced, possessing a current Certificate of Competence to act as an RPA issued by RPA2000, an assessing body recognised by the Health & Safety Executive (HSE).
Our mission is to assist our clients in complying with the Ionising Radiation regulations and implementing good pratices.

RPA services
- Review the current radiological protection arrangements
- Provide advice on any relevant new radiological protection legislation
- Deliver reports with detailed observations, advices and solutions
- Give advice on contingency plans and emergency siuations
- Provision of Approved Dosimetry Services (Record Keeping)
- Provision of an annual summary of the recommandations made by the RPA during the visits to the sites through the year
Our RPAs activities also include conducting radiation protection safety audits and verifications on X-ray equipment.
Our expertise in Radiation Protection goes across different types of equipment such as:
- Body Scanners,
- Baggage Scanners,
- Itemisers, etc.
One of our RPA activites has caught your attention?